The Los Angeles Employment Attorney Services blog is an online portal of elite group of employment and labor law attorneys of Mesriani Law Group.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hiring a Los Angeles Employment Lawyer: What You Need to Remember

If you are working as an employee for a private or public entity, you are entitled to your right to file claims against your employer, especially if you were subjected to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or any unlawful employment action that violates the prevailing laws. As it is, obtaining legal representation from a Los Angeles employment lawyer is imperative, wherein you allege that your erring employer violated certain employment and labor laws. Whether you have been discriminated against or harassed because of your protected characteristic or suffered retaliation because of exercising a protected activity, you can always rely upon an employment lawyer who can aggressively defend your rights.

In hiring a lawyer for an employment case, here are some things you need to remember in doing so:

  • If you are planning to pursue claims against your employer, you need to do so immediately. 

Time is of the essence in any legal situation, which is why you should not delay seeking legal help. There are strict time limits that usually apply in most cases of discrimination, and getting your claim off on a timely start can make a difference. For example, if you already filed a complaint of harassment with your company’s human resources department (HR) but it failed to address your situation, then it would be best that you immediately seek a lawyer.

  • Allow yourself to find the right lawyer to suit the needs of your claim. 

It can be done through Internet research, as well as seeking referrals from friends, family members and acquaintances. Remember that they, too, handle lots and lots of cases, so expect that when you contact one, you may be refused outright because of caseloads. But then, you won’t run out of luck since you are most likely to be referred to an attorney who is willing to evaluate and eventually represent you.

  • Most employment lawyers work on a contingency-fee basis. 

Also known as the “No Win, No Fee” guarantee, your chosen lawyer, as is the case with most of them, is only paid if he or she wins your case on your behalf through trial or out-of-court settlement. Legal fees are set a certain fee, which is the agreed percentage of the settlement amount you would receive. For example, if you won $100,000.00 settlement, your lawyer will obtain a certain percentage of it.

  • After you have chosen the best lawyer for you, it is imperative that you work with him or her up to the resolution of your case. 

Being cooperative with your attorney can help decide how fast and how sure the outcome that you want would be. Your lawyer will explain to you what to expect of your case. You will be assisted in obtaining substantial pieces of evidence, as well as in getting statements from witnesses who saw your ordeal in the workplace.

  • Your case may end up being settled before litigation could start.

A lot of lawsuits are settled via out-of-court settlement instead of going through a trial, and the same can be said for employment cases. In fact, it is a much preferred method of resolution, as trials are deemed too costly. But if no settlement is reached and the best recourse is to have it undergo trial, then you can always rely on your attorney’s expertise, ensuring that it will be resolved at the soonest possible time.

Putting these in mind sets your expectations straight in case you have been involved in a situation in the workplace wherein you have been subjected to adverse employment actions or practices by your co-worker or your employer. With an attorney by your side, you enhance your chance of obtaining compensation that you deserve while exacting justice from your employer’s inconsiderate actions.

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